Project Coordinator – Support for rural electrification in the Liptako-Gourma region


Friday, May 20, 2022 – 23:59

To support the efforts of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger towards the provision of sustainable energy services to the most vulnerable populations and to capitalize on the very significant potential for solar energy in the region, UNDP and UNOPS in partnership with ECREEE are implementing, with SIDA funding and under the institutional anchoring of the Liptako-Gourma Authority (ALG), the “Rural Electrification Project by Renewable Energy Systems in the Liptako-Gourma Region – Pilot Phase”, for a duration of 3 years (2021 – 2023). This project aims to (i) provide institutional support in the field of rural electrification and support the revision of the regulatory framework of the three countries to promote investment in renewable energy; (ii) install six photovoltaic mini-grids with batteries in the Liptako-Gourma region; (iii) support the private sector engaged in the development of mini-grids; and (iv) promote the creation of income-generating activities through the use of the energy services provided to communities by the project The success of this project will condition the implementation of a second phase aimed at scaling up these activities, with contributions from a larger number of partners and donors mobilized to fight the energy crisis in Liptako-Gourma.

In view of ECREEE’s experience, UNDP signed an agreement with ECREEE to provide technical expertise (through a consultant or sub-contracting) to realize the activities in the implementation of the project “Support for Rural Electrification by Renewable Energy Systems in the Liptako-Gourma Region – Pilot Phase”.

Considering the above, ECREEE is seeking to engage consultant who will coordinate all activities related to the above-mentioned project in line with the Terms of Reference (ToR) attached.


  1. Detailed CV and Cover Letter should be submitted by email only to
  2. State in the subject line: « Project Coordinator – Support for Rural Electrification Renewable Energy System in the Liptako-Gourma Region – Pilot Phase ».
  3. For additional information or request for clarification, please contact ECREEE through the following E-mail: gkouhie(at) Please do not copy this email address when submitting your CV and other documents. Your application will be disqualified if you do so.
  4. The deadline for Submission: 20th May 2022, 23h59 Universal Time