Launch of the project Women and Clean Energy in West African – WOCEWA

ECREEE implements the Women and Clean Energy in West Africa (WOCEWA) Project as part of Canada’s foreign affairs and development efforts through the initiative of “Clean Energy for Development: A Call to Action – CEDCA” of the International Development Research Centre (IDRC).

WOCEWA will consolidate and build on gender-responsive investment initiatives implemented by ECREEE in the past years by working with small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in West Africa’s energy sector, transforming them into vehicles that empower women and address gender barriers through their business operations.

After the kick-off meeting held on 18 January 2024 online, IDRC and the beneficiary institutions of Clean Energy for Development initiative, from different regions (Africa, Asia, Latin America and Caribbean, Middle East), meet in Nairobi, Kenya from 26 to 28 February 2024 for a Learning Workshop organized by the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) as the Support Team for this cohort.

ECREEE is represented at this important workshop by Mr. Francis SEMPORE, Executive Director, Dr Prisca ZIDAGO, Coordinator of the WOCEWA project and Miss Erica FLAN, Gender Assistant.