Launch of the Harmonized Solar Off-Grid Products Workshops in ECOWAS Member States

The ECOWAS Commission, under the framework of the Regional Off-Grid Electricity Access Project (ROGEAP), has launched a crucial two-day workshop in Monrovia (Liberia). The event, held from June 26-27 at The Cape Hotel, aims to promote the implementation of harmonized solar off-grid products.

In July 2023, the ECOWAS Commission adopted two harmonized quality and assurance standards for off-grid solar products aiming at renewable energy systems and hybrid systems for rural electrification (ECOSTAND IEC TS 62257-9-8:2020), and Recommendations for renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural electrification (ECOSTAND IEC TS 62257-9-5:2018).

Following the recommendations of the Ministers of Industry in the Region, the ROGEAP Project Implementation Unit, in collaboration with national standard bodies, VeraSol (formerly Lighting Global Quality Assurance), the Ministry of Energy, and ECREEE, initiated various activities in member states. These activities include capacity-building and awareness-raising workshops to ensure the effective implementation of the adopted standards.

The Monrovia workshop aims to enhance capacity building and raise awareness about harmonized standards for solar off-grid products within the region. This effort ultimately supports the deployment of reliable and efficient solar off-grid systems, accelerating progress towards universal electricity access. The workshop, supported by the Ministry of Mines and Energy of Liberia and recognizing the World Bank’s contributions, underscores the importance of harmonized standards for solar home systems up to 350 watts.

Relevant stakeholders from the Ministry of Energy, the Standard Authority, the private sector, the Energy Commission, the National Standard Bureau, the Rural and Renewable Agency, the Minister of Finance, testing laboratories, NGOs, civil society, and the teams of ECREEE, ROGEAP and VeraSol attended the two-day workshop.

The project plans to hold similar activities in Dakar (Senegal) from July 16-17 and Lome (Togo) from July 23-24.