ECREEE participates in WASCAL’s Green Hydrogen Activities

Group Picture at the Regional Workshop of Solar Power Plant Operators in West Africa, May 27–28, 2024 in Ouagadougou

ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) participated in the Regional Workshop of Solar Power Plant Operators in West Africa organized by WASCAL from 27 to 28 May 2024 in Ouagadougou in the framework of PV2H project.

The main objective of this workshop is to foster a regional collaborative framework to identify critical challenges and share experience and knowledge in the operation of large-scale solar power plants connected to national grids. The two days’ workshop gathered stakeholders from Energy Ministries, ECOWAS institutions in charge of Energy, national electricity companies, private operators across West Africa, and companies manufacturing innovative cleaning systems attended the workshop. ECREEE represented by the Green Hydrogen Program Coordinator, Dr Madi Kabore delivered a communication on the ECOWAS Green Hydrogen Policy and Strategy Framework.

The PV2H project implemented by WASCAL funded by German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), seeks to provide a concrete technical response to the negative impact of dust on solar PV power plants and to propose ways to optimize the production of green hydrogen from solar PV systems under the specific climatic conditions of the Sahelian region in West Africa.

Before this regional workshop, ECREEE represented by its Green Hydrogen Program Coordinator participated to the commissioning of the Centre for Research on Bioenergy and Green Hydrogen and of the Biomass and Biogas Laboratory at the University of Lome the 21 May 2024. This initiative supported by WASCAL was funded by BMBF.

The inauguration was carried out jointly by the Commissioner for Green Hydrogen in Germany, Mr. Till Mansmann, and the Togolese Minister of Research and Higher Education, Professor Majesté N. Ihou Wateba.