Access to Water for Healthcare Units through Solar Energy

Atahonou, Togo – May 31, 2024 – Joyfulness and relief, are the words that can describe the faces of the staff of the healthcare units selected to benefit from the refurbishment of water supply systems in solar photovoltaic water pumping systems.

As part of the ECOWAS Special Intervention Fund (ESIF), implemented by ECREEE with the financial support of the ECOWAS Commission, “The Project for Sustainable Access to Ten Rural Peripheral Healthcare Units in Togo” has been implemented by ESCO-Togo in four (04) localities of the region of Centrale which are Koffitti, Agbamassomou, Affossalakopé and Sada 2, three (03) localities of the region of Plateaux namely : Kpakpo, Atchinédji and Ona, the three remaining which are Atahonou, Zouvi, Afiadégnigba belong to the Maritime region.

This project aims at: (i) improving healthcare services with permanent access to water as well as the living conditions to the population of the localities where the systems are installed, to avoid them to go to health centres located in urban areas (ii) enhancing trust of the population who is living in rural areas and reduction of childbirths at home and (iii) motivating of the healthcare units heads as well as the midwives who will not abandon their positions because of the lack of access to drinkable water.

An official commissioning has been done at Atahonou on Friday, May 31st, 2024, in the presence of Mr. Tchapo Singo, General Director of the Togolese Agency for Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy (AT2ER), Mr. Juste Damada, Renewable Energy Specialist at ECREEE, Mr. Yedidya Agbanator General Manager of ESCO-Togo, as well as the Representative of the Maritime region Director of Health, Atahonou healthcare unit staff and the local Authorities.