Inauguration Solar Photovoltaic Installation at the Bayero University

In a bid to further improve sustainable energy access in West Africa, a solar photovoltaic installation was officially inaugurated at the Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering at Bayero University in Kano, Nigeria.

The solar installation, with a total capacity of 79kwp of solar PV, 58kw of inverter, and 60KWH of battery storage, was made possible with the financial support of the ECOWAS Commission through the ECOWAS Special Intervention Fund (ESIF), which is being implemented by the ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency (ECREEE). The project aims to provide stable clean, affordable, and sustainable electricity to the Department and the University community at large.

The Off-Grid Solar Facility was formally inaugurated on Friday 31 May 2024 in the presence of Sediko Douka, ECOWAS Commissioner in charge of Infrastructure, Energy and Digitalisation; Professor Nazifi Abdullahi Darma, ECOWAS Commissioner in charge of Internal Affairs, Professor Mohamed Sani Gumel, Deputy Vice Chancellor of the Bayero University representing the Vice Chancellor of the University and Engr. Samuel Bem Ayangeaor, Assistant Director, Renewable and Rural Power Access Department representing the Honourable Minister of Power of Nigeria.

Other similar projects are being implemented by ECREEE in the other ECOWAS member states.