Projects awarded with ACP-EU Energy Facility grant

In cooperation with other partners ECREEE proposed several project proposals to the second call of the EU-ACP Energy Facility. Two projects were recommended for co-funding by the Evaluation Committee of the Facility. The project “Supporting Energy Efficiency for Access in West Africa (SEEA-WA)” will co-fund parts of the regional energy efficiency program of ECREEE. It will be implemented under the leadership of ECREEE and in cooperation with the Agence de l’environnement et de la maîtrise de l’énergie (ADEME), the Austrian Energy Agency (AEA), the European Copper Institute (ECI), UNDP and others. Another regional project focused on the dissemination of efficient cooking solutions in West Africa  to be implemented under the leadership of GTZ and in partnership with ECREEE was recommended for co-funding. The projects are awarded with an overall facility grant of 4 million EUR. The execution of the project is supposed to start in 2011.

Further information on the ACP-EU Energy Facility.